March 11th 2024

day 2!.

I made my webcomics page yesterday and im so happy with how it turned out!! today i got breakfast at work, and lunch at the 401k meeting, AND i was FORCED to take a pizza*.

*the hr lady stopped me as i tried to scuttle out and very politely asked me to take a pizza because they always expect more people to come to these events. i dont get why more people dont come its cool information and its free pizza. it could be fun to make a page talking about 401ks and other investment oppurtunites i love that stuff. otherwise i want to make a page about little computer games. not like VIDEO game video games but like. pokeclicker. flight rising. neopets. idk why these arent video game video games to me and why theyre more computer games. do yall get it. does this make sense.

i ALSO did more pokemon card sorting. did you know starting in the sun and moon set the set symbols start appearing on the left side of the card instead of the right. its very cool i promise

Mood: 7.5/10

Song of the day: literally any will wood.

dont take the song of the day seriously its just like. a song i like that i listened to.

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